4 June 2008

Today's travels

Tonight finds me in Ahuas.
Here is a little information about where I am, although I have no hotel advice, so I am possibly sleeping one of the locals canoes.

Population 368.

Check your shoes before you put them on. Not for wear and tear or any sort of comfort factor – make sure there are no jungle spiders or snakes snoozing in them.

The local dish is fish sandwiches, boring but nice.

A short canoe trip takes you into Tawahkas' jungle and amongst all the rainforest animals you would ever want to see (and perhaps more). You will see creatures like monkeys, macaws, tapirs and peccaries. Of course, once you have seen all the cute and amazing animals, there is every chance you'll get to eat one. Tawahkas eat all three species of Honduran monkey - the spider, the white-faced and the howler. This ability to hunt and cook monkeys is shared by Amazonian rain forest indians with whom the Tawahkas share many other similarities.

Until tomorrow,

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