27 May 2008


Yesterday I climbed into a gleaming white ute and was driven to drink Yass. I went to visit the Murrumbidgee CMA to talk about information management - always happy to talk to people and to travel to places far and wide. Having said that I am off to Melbourne tonight for dinner and then an all day seminar on Knowledge Management at Melbourne Zoo. Hope I don't end up in the wrong cage!

I have to say, Tuesday is the worst day of the week for me and this week it was even worse than usual. I went walking late and was behind the eight ball for the rest of the morning. I packed and put lunches together for MLR and AJR, packed the ironing for Dale, packed my bag for Melbourne. AJR caught the bus to school on time, then the three of us piled into the car, as I did not want to take my car to work to sit in the carage for two days there. As I was getting into the car I then remembered my handbag, so got out and fetched it out of the house. Back in the car, I trapped my fingers in the closing window, ouch! 50 meters down the road I remembered that I had left my work mobile phone and personal mobile phone at home. As it was more important to get MLR to school on time, we did took her to school first. Returned home for the mobiles, dropped of the ironing at Dale's, off to work arriving just after 9.30am.

Some days I think it would be easier to just stay home.

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