23 July 2007

MLR's Holiday Activities

List from MLR to her Dad, of activities to do one day in the school holidays
  1. Play golf
  2. See a movie
  3. Buy baby born clothes
  4. Have lunch
Hope he can keep up!


AMCSviatko said...

I think it's almost time for a certain young miss to change that to MAKE Baby Born clothes...


(Urgh! Don't coming to your blog to comment as I can never miss seeing how cold it is. 3 degrees! At 10:30 am!)

Mondo Viagiatore said...

At 10.05 today I noted that it was 2 degrees, hence my heater is set to 21 - it has got a 2 in it!

I checked the temperature again at 10.21 and it is now 7 degrees and I got to see the add for the cheap cruises, twice.

Hope you are feeling warmer :-]

Anonymous said...

Glad I was away in QLD for that week. I only had to suffer 5 days at 19 degrees. A well spent week