I know I am obsessed by the rain, I miss it, so when it rained twice this week, I have been in heaven. On Wednesday night the rain fell like missiles, cold blobs of water, lancing down to earth, bouncing off everthing it hit. It was a true tropical storm and it lasted for about 45 minutes. JSR and I sat in the pergola and just drank in the noise (and a glass of wine/beer). The children of course thought it was good to run through. Millie the dog did not like the noise of the thunder, but she was very happy that we were out there with her.
The peacherines are ready to collect
On Thursday I asked my colleagues at work about how much rain they had received and they had had none!!! Apparently only Tuggeranong!Thursday night it came down again. This time the rain was gentler and it rained for a couple of hours. The garden sure is happier now.
I got NONE at any time of the week, so I am insanely jealous --- but if it had to rain elsewhere, I'm glad someone I know got to have the excitement! :)
PS. I am sooo tired of hauling buckets from the shower to the garden!
I have a sneaky suspicion that we'd both be in hog heaven if we lived somewhere like Seattle :)
I am so ready to move to Seattle!!!!
I hear they not only have rain, but good book shops as well - it isn't fair!!
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