1 April 2007

Eiffel Tower's birthday!

I thought you ought to know that Saturday was the birthday of the Eiffel Tower. Here are some other useful facts. Happy birthday Eiffel Tower
  • Date of birth: March 31, 1889 (hoisting the flag to the top), built for the Universal Exhibition in celebration of the French Revolution.
  • Age: 117 years
  • Contractor: Gustave Eiffel & Cie
  • Engineers: Maurice Koechlin & Emile Nouguie
  • Architect: Stephen Sauvestre
  • Studies: Begun in 1884
  • Construction: 1887 to 1889 (2 years, 2 months
  • and 5 days)
  • Composition: 18,038 pieces, 2,500,000 rivets
  • Weight of the metal structure: 7,300 tons
  • Total weight: 10,100 tons
  • Height: 324m (height with flagpole)
  • Coordinates :
  • Latitude : 48º 51' 32" North
  • Longitude : 002º 17' 45" East
  • Numbers of visitors up to December 31, 2006: 229.623.812
  • Distinctive feature: recognizable throughout the entire world
  • Number of steps: 1665
  • Owner: City of Paris
I did spend some time in the garden on Saturday and managed to cut back the roses and a tree close the the drive. All my roses are carpet roses, although no one has told them that they should be close to the ground!! They soar up towards the sky with abandon. I have trimmed just one into a standard, so we will see how that goes. Yesterday was a bit of a revolving door. JSR left for golf as usual and I dozed in front of Thursday night television, thinking about the cooking and cleaning to be done. At 2.15 Liz and the kids arrived with lunch and at around 3pm Sarah and the twins came over. We proceeded to devour chips and large quantities of tea and coffee!! JSR arrived home about 5.30pm. Just before 6pm Liz, Sarah and the kids headed off, as JC and family arrived for an evening meal. Dad arrived home around 7pm.

Today was spent cleaning the house and catching up with watching all the things I did not have time to watch during the week. Still not seen Morse, sorry JSR! JSR has chopped down the Claret Ash, whose roots were pushing up the pavers as they headed for the house!

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