27 November 2007

New Era

A change of the guard in Australian Politics.

If you are interested in what happened in your electorate or other election news check out the ABC election site. I have to say that the MonashMob were very happy about the outcome on Saturday.

The country is watching the fallout with interest. Howard should have stepped down 6-12 months ago, and had the pleasure of choosing the timing of his exit - a major reason why he did not step down, was his desire to host APEC in September, a chance to be on the world stage for one last hurrah!!! I wait with interest for the biographies that will undoubtedly spring up from everywhere. Here is a short overview of John Howard's career in politics.

Costello says he won't stand - I am not convinced that he ever really wanted to be Prime Minister, and more sure that Tanya was not all that interested. Certainly it seems he did not have the support of his party to move to this role. Having said that he has been a major force in politics (like him or not) for the past 13 years and now is the time to make choices about what he does next, he owes the party nor the country anything.

Mark Vaile, leader of the Nationals and Clare Martin, ALP NT Chief Minister were the casualties yesterday. I watched Mal Brough's speech accepting defeat and felt for him. Although I do not agree with his politics nor the NT intervention, it was clear he was trying to make a difference and he was distressed that he was unable to continue, for that I admire him. It will be interesting to see what happens today.

The Democrats are no more. It is a sad day when a whole political party fades away.

It is good to see that the last Labor PM has got a lot to say about the results of Saturday, Paul Keating .

Now let's see where Rudd will guide the country - watch this spot!

19 November 2007

Oz Politics

You may want to check out this blog site - at least until Sunday!

Oz Politics

Great analysis, not biased and useful if you like or want to follow the political world.

13 November 2007

Millie's birthday

November 12 is our Millie's birthday.

Yesterday AJR made a packet vanilla cake with 250g of crispy bacon in it, for Millie. Dog chews were placed onto the top to make the candles. Millie woofed it down!

7 November 2007

Old Parliament House & New Parliament House

During the school holidays we went to both Old Parliament House and New Parliament House.
Here is a photographic record of this adventure.

View to Old Parliament House and Mount Ainslie

Who is that masked man

Would the realPrime Minister of Australia please stand up
Prime Minister's Office in Old Parliament House

Very rude boy!

New Parliament House

Entrance way

Obviously the presentation is riveting


House of Representatives

In the canteen

5 November 2007

Cockington Green

In the school holidays we went to Cockington Green.

Some people and frogs did not want to leave

3 November 2007

Floriade 2007

First a picnic lunch in Commonwealth Park,
near the playground equipment.

Then off to see Floriade - the theme this year was
Aussie Myths and Legends.

Dame Edna Everage built out of a mower
was one of the highlights for me.
However I only saw it later when
the creator was taking it home
at the end of Floriade, hence no picture.

While these were some of the highlights for the kids
All photo's courtesy of CJK

1 November 2007

Election 07

Just found this great resource on the Election 07 from Google - check it out. I found it while surfing this site John Howard is too old.


31 October 2007

"The Librarians" ABC Wednesday nights at 9.30

Well I had to tell you "The Librarians" have a blog - this is hosted by the professional association - Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA).

If you want to see what Librarians talk about when considering the show, this is the place to check it out. I am sure that there will be lots of talk tomorrow, both on the blog, around the water cooler and in the shelves!

I thought it was funny, though not hilarious.

If you missed the show tonight you can get the podcast here.

Here is part of the A Team attending "The Librarians"

I am off to bed now, night night.

30 October 2007


I have joined Facebook - in case you are interested in my Facebook space you can find me here -

Why don't you have a look!!

29 October 2007

Canberra Views

Here comes the cavalryNational Library - photos taken from Lake Burely Griffin

It was a bit windy the day we wondered around the lake, near the National Library.

Children had fun

27 October 2007

Glass works

Located in the historic Kingston Powerhouse, the Canberra Glassworks, opened in May 2007, are a one of a kind attraction for artists and vistors alike. For more information, click the link above.

The outside of the Kingston powerhouse, refitted as the Glass Works.

Two entrances, carpark and lakeside

One part of the gallery leads to the old smoke stack that has been preserved and the base is a gallery.

Upstairs you can walk around above an open space that at one end includes the ovens for the glass demonstrations.

And an area where visitors can watch the glass being worked.

The roof struts and the pulleys have been preserved making it a fantastic space to visit and to work in.

At the far end of the building classes in glass making are held. There is a cafe and and a shop for purchasing glass goods that have been made by the local artists.